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Equality and Diversity

We are proud to be a diverse business where we put our people and residents first. Here we have listed all the ways we strive to ensure everyone at Melin has an equal chance and fair representation.

This strategy has been developed to ensure that Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is embedded and demonstrated throughout our staff and services. It links to our values and our corporate and business objectives.

At Melin Homes, our commitment to serving communities across our south east Wales region is at the heart of everything we do. This includes fostering diverse and inclusive neighborhoods. Our purpose is clear: to build homes, cultivate vibrant communities, and empower lives. When we speak of community building, we envision spaces where residents flourish, finding a true sense of belonging.

We have signed the Deeds Not Words pledge with Tai Pawb. This page outlines our objectives and action plans as part of the pledge.

Every month our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) group put together a round-up of info in a newsletter that we send out to all staff. Below we’ve put together some of the stories from each month.