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Apply to rent a home

An illustration of a house for rent

About our homes

We keep our homes in great shape and provide excellent services to help you live comfortably in your home and your community. We have a wide range of properties throughout South-east Wales which include two, three and four-bedroom houses, flats and bungalows.

We also have apartments in sheltered schemes around the region, specifically designed for people aged 55 or older.

How to apply

You cannot apply for a property through us directly, all our properties are advertised and applied for through your council’s local housing register.

The details for the housing register in each area are included below. When you have registered with their housing list you will be able to view the list of properties that are currently available and apply for any you are interested in.


The council will send a shortlist of people who are suitable for the property over to our Housing Team and we will then begin contacting people from the shortlist to arrange viewings of the property.

Unfortunately, we can’t tell you how long it will be before we contact you.

Each council’s shortlisting process is slightly different and sometimes it may take longer for the shortlist to be sent over to us.

We don’t control the shortlisting process, if you have any questions regarding this process or your position on the shortlist, please contact your local housing register on the details above.


If you are already living with us or another Housing Association, but are looking to move to something different, there is a national exchange service where you can find other tenants in a similar position. To be eligible for this, you will need to register on the HomeSwapper website.

Once you have registered you will be able to browse the properties available for exchange and even arrange for a visit when you find a property match.

Homes we have rented recently

We have a list available of homes we have allocated in the past few months showing the type/number of bedrooms/area and band. There is no personal information included.