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Merger FAQ

We’re pleased to announce that we are starting a programme of work to explore how to merge Melin Homes and Newport City Homes into a new organisation.

We are writing to all our residents with news of how they can have their say on proposed merger plans and how they think the new organisation may look. We appreciate that people may have further questions and have tried to answer some of them here in these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Melin and Newport City Homes logos side by side
If you have a question about the merger that isn’t answered here please email

General merger questions

  1. Why are you merging?

    We want to deliver the best services for our customers/residents. We want to improve repairs and maintenance funding, so we can help you look after your homes. We also want to help your communities flourish.

    Over the last few years, housing associations in Wales have felt the impact of the cost-of-living crisis. Inflation has increased material prices and the cost of services. As a result, we risk having fewer resources to meet resident and community needs.

    Together, we can attract better funding for vital services, combine our resources, and respond to the needs of our customers/residents and communities.

  2. What are the benefits for me?
    Merging two, individually strong organisations will give us better opportunities to access a variety of funding grants. In turn, we will be able to invest in the maintenance of existing homes, regenerate more community spaces, and build more new homes. There will be potential to fund new support services, giving you the right support, at the right time, and in the right way.
  3. Who are Newport City Homes (NCH)?
    AAs one of the largest housing associations in Newport, it provides homes and services to more than 20,000 residents, leaseholders and shared owners across South-east Wales.
  4. Who are Melin?
    Melin is a housing association created from a merger of Eastern Valley and Gwerin Housing in 2007. We operate across five local authority areas; Newport, Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent, Monmouthshire and Powys, with around 4000 homes
  5. Will I have a vote on the merger?

    There will be no opportunities to vote on the merge as the final decision is taken by the Newport City Homes and Melin board and approved by our regulators and lenders.

    However, your voice matters. It’s important to Melin, Newport City Homes and Welsh Government that we hear and consider your opinion before reaching a final decision.

    You will be able to have your say on what is important for you in the new organisation, and the services it provides for you, your home, and your community.

  6. How can I have my say?

    There are many ways to share your views. You can:

    1. Complete the surveys we send to you

    2. Speak to Newport City Homes or Melin colleagues at community events

    3. Call your Independent Tenant Advisor, Keith Edwards on 07949 443039 or email ITA@Promo.Cymru

      We’ll also be hosting community engagement events about the merger throughout 2024. We’ll let you know when these are happening, and where they will take place

  7. Why do you need our views if the merger may happen anyway?
    Whilst you cannot influence the decision on whether Melin and Newport City Homes merge, you can influence how the new organisation operates and looks. You can shape the services we provide as we are committed to putting your views at the centre of all we do – before, during, and after the merger.

  8. How do we know that you’ll do what you say you will do?

    We will be held accountable by the Joint Customer Panel (JCP) who will make sure we’re delivering on our promises.

    The Joint Customer Panel will continue to be important after the merger and will be part of the decision-making process in the new organisation.

  9. What is the customer promise and how will it impact me?

    The promise is a document that outlines the intended benefits of the merger. It is a clear commitment to the way services will be delivered by the new organisation.

    It is based on your views and what is most important to you that you share with us from surveys and engagement events.

  10. When will the merger become official?

    We aim to complete the merge by Spring 2025.

    We started merger discussions in November 2023 and we are understanding each other as associations by looking at what services we offer to customers/residents, what similarities and differences we have, what we do well, and what improvements we can make.

    We have a robust plan outlining how we collect and consider our customers/residents opinions. We have also employed a branding agency to decide a new name and logo. After this, we will draft a business plan for our boards and lenders to approve.

My home and the merger

  1. What impact will it have on services I currently receive?
    As we continue merger discussions, there will be no changes to the services you receive. The priority for both associations is to deliver great services and homes, and to keep improving this. We will continue to deliver the services you need throughout the merger process.
  2. Will it affect my occupation contract?
    No. You will still have the same occupation contract and this does not affect your right to live in your home.
  3. Will it affect my lease?
    No. You will still have the same lease and this does not affect your right to live in your home. If any lease needs to be varied in the future, this will be done via a consultation process.
  4. Will it affect my rent/rent increase?
    Your rent will stay the same and not increase as a result of the merger.

    Both Melin and Newport City Homes have the same method of assessing rent affordability. Our rents are set using the Joseph Rowntree Living Rents Model which states that rent should be no more than 28% of a residents’ income. We will continue with this process in 2025/26. More information about rent setting and rent consultation feedback is on our website.
  5. Will the merger affect my mutual exchange / Right to Transfer?
    No. The ‘Right to Transfer’, as it’s now known, is a right that is enshrined in the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016.
  6. Will the merger affect my service charges?
    Melin/Newport City Homes service charges are variable and are renewed annually, any proposed changes to service charges will be completed in consultation with residents.
  7. Will the merger affect Rent to Own transactions?
    No. This is a Government-backed initiative designed to provide future home ownership options.
  8. Will the merger change how you rent homes?
    Both Melin and Newport City Homes operate to the Common Housing Register allocations policy, any changes to the allocations policy will be completed in conjunction with the local authority and all partner landlords operating in that area.
    • In Monmouthshire contact Monmouthshire Homesearch - Home for housing waiting lists
    • In Blaenau Gwent contact Housing Register - Blaenau Gwent (
    • In Torfaen contact Home - Torfaen Homeseeker
    • And In Powys contact Home - Homechoice (
  9. Will the merger change Newport City Homes’ ‘Rent-Free Weeks’?
    Newport City Homes have two rent-free weeks a year (one in April and one in December). Any changes to this would constitute a change to customer contracts, and we would always consult you before doing this.
  10. Will my neighbourhood manager / scheme manager change?
    No, this will not change because of the merger. However, your Neighbourhood Officer or Scheme Manager may change as a result of normal staff turnover or after reviewing areas being managed.
  11. Will it be easier for me to move now?
    Homes are allocated (for both Melin and Newport City Homes) through the Home Options Common Housing Register and this will continue post-merger.

    However, the merger will increase the number of homes we can build which may help ease the pressure on existing housing waiting lists.

Independent Tenant Advisor (ITA) questions

  1. What’s the role of the Independent Tenant Advisor (ITA)?
    The founding members of the Joint Customer Panel and our customer/resident engagement groups appointed Keith Edwards as the Independent Tenant Advisor.
    Keith is available to guide all residents through the merger process, and he will be speaking to as many people as possible about how you think the new organisation should benefit you.
  2. How can they be independent if you pay them?
    We pay the Independent Tenant Advisor for their expertise and experience in guiding customers/residents through the merger process. They are not employed by Melin or Newport City Homes, which means they are neutral and unbiased.
    We want to make sure your voice is heard and, as we move through the merger process, they will support all of us to make this happen. Also, appointing an Independent Tenant Advisor to support customer/resident through a merger process is deemed best practice by the Tenant Participation Advisory Service, Wales (TPAS Cymru)
  3. Will I be able to talk to them in confidence, without my landlord knowing?
    Yes. Your opinions can be anonymous if you would prefer, and the conversation with the Independent Tenant Advisor are confidential. The advisor will only share with us the general themes of what is being discussed and tell us what is important to you. We will only share your views with your consent.
  4. How can I contact my Independent Tenant Advisor?
    You can call your Independent Tenant Advisor Keith Edwards on 07949 443039 or email ITA@Promo.Cymru