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Break ins/Burglary

What to do if someone breaks into your home

1. Call the police

As soon as you discover your property has been burgled, dial 101. The police will give you a Crime Reference Number which you’ll need for any contents insurance claim you make. For text-phone, the number is 18001 101.

Important: If a burglary is in progress, call 999. Try to stay calm and the police will be with you as soon as possible.

2. Call us

After a break-in or criminal damage, we will attend to make the property safe. Each case is looked at individually and it will depend on the circumstances whether it this would be rechargeable. Just give us a call on 01495 745910 and we can talk you through it.

3. Don't touch anything

Although your initial instinct may be to tidy up, or even to pull on rubber gloves and scrub your house free from all signs of the break-in, it’s best to avoid touching items that have been moved or disturbed, as you may be compromising evidence.

Take photographs of the scene, including broken doors and windows, and even photograph empty spaces where property has been taken. It can all help ease the process when making an insurance claim.

4. Cancel any stolen cards

If you believe any bank, credit cards or cheque books have been stolen, call your bank or credit card company straight away.

You should also call your finance providers if you have lost phones, tablets or laptops that had bank account details and logins on them.

If you any of these items are stolen, call the provider to put a stop on your account.

5. Make a list

Collect any evidence you have about items taken from your property, such as receipts, photographs, or valuations. It will help any insurance claim if you can provide an estimate of things stolen or damaged. Do not dispose of anything that might be needed for inspection by your insurer.

6. Contact your insurer

Call your insurance company as soon as possible with a list of what’s been stolen. The police will give you a Crime Reference Number, which you’ll also need to give to your insurance provider when you contact them.

Your insurer can also advise you on immediate security provisions, such as changing locks if they’ve been forced, or if your keys have been stolen; it’s advisable to use a locksmith who is a member of the Master Locksmiths’ Association. 

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