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Help with work and training

Employment Advice

We have a dedicated and knowledgeable team who are here to help all our residents access employment and training. We know just how important it is to find the right work for you and your family and just what a difference having a fulfilling work life can be.

We are keen to hear from residents who wish to get back to work or looking to secure more hours or better pay in a new career. We will support you from start to finish.

The Employment Team can assist with a wide range of services, including help with:

  • Job searches and applications;
  • CV writing;
  • Training;
  • Volunteering;
  • Work placements;
  • Interview techniques;
  • Confidence building;
  • Changing career;
  • Finding and accessing training courses and licences, such as SIA and forklift;
  • Accessing in-work benefits;
  • Requesting flexible/reduced/increased hours;
  • Redundancy;
  • Work support, such as working clothes and travel.

The sooner you reach out, the sooner we can help you.

Y Prentis

Based at Melin Homes, Y Prentis is a construction-based shared apprenticeship scheme operating across South-East Wales. Funded by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and Welsh Government, they employ apprentices across many construction trades to meet the needs of today’s construction industry.

Y Prentis has apprenticeship opportunities in a number of specialisms throughout the year in different locations across the region.

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If you have any questions, you can fill in our handy form. There are also other ways to get in touch with our team.

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Money Advice

At Melin, we are dedicated to supporting our residents in every part of their lives. A big part of this is helping residents with money matters.

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