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Moving in

An illustration of moving boxes and a plant

A handy checklist

We appreciate that it can be stressful moving into a new home. Here’s a handy checklist to make your move easier.

  • Contact your gas, water and electricity suppliers to set up or change your utilities accounts.
  • Take meter readings as soon as you move in.
  • Contact your local council to set up or change your Council Tax payments and to add your household to the electoral roll.
  • If you receive housing benefit or Universal Credit don’t forget to update your accounts with your new address and rental payment details.
  • Find out where your stop taps, fuse box and trip switch are located (contact your housing officer if you need help).
  • Arrange contents insurance for your personal belongings. Buildings insurance is already set up for your home.
  • Redirect your mail from your previous address. (See below for more information.)
  • Arrange a television licence if necessary.
  • Remember to tell your doctor, dentist, bank, employer, school and DVLA your new address.
  • If you install a phone, please let us know your number.


Your gas, electricity and water provisions will be connected when you move in. We will give you the meter readings which you will need when speaking to the energy provider of your choice.


If you have a lot of rubbish after you move in, you will need to arrange
a bulk rubbish collection or take it to a local tip (check our ‘Bins and recycling’ page for details of your local council).

Redirecting mail

Royal Mail offer a redirection service, so your mail moves with you. You
can redirect your mail to any UK or overseas address for three, six or
12 months from just £33.99.

To set up a redirection you will need

  • Names and dates of birth of everyone in the household that needs their mail redirected, and;
  • the address and postcode of both your old and new homes.

Furnishing your home

We are all trying to do our bit to look after our planet. When you are looking for new furniture for your home, local charity shops and Facebook marketplace can have some really good pieces of furniture available.

We work closely with a number of organisations that offer furniture at a reduced rate. If you are struggling please get in touch and we will see what we can do to help.

Rent and money matters

Paying your rent is one of your main responsibilities to us. We are a not-for-profit organisation and your rent is our main source of income. The money we get primarily goes back to maintaining your home and other homes that we manage, but also helps us to build more affordable homes for people in the communities we serve.

Rent payments are made in advance, weekly on a Monday. You should always have one full week’s credit on your rent account. If you choose to pay monthly, you will need to pay a month in advance.

See our rent payment page for ways to quickly and easily set up payment

Rent changes and statements

We send you quarterly statements (every three months) which will show the rental payments you have made. Don’t forget, you can also view statement online by signing into your account.

We give you one month’s notice of any rent payment changes and notify you in January/February of each year.

If you claim Universal Credit, please make a note of your new rent charge on your journal on the day the change happens.

Service charges

You will be required to pay a service charge if we provide you with services for the upkeep of communal areas, such as gardening, window cleaning, door entry systems and lifts. The details of the services and charges which apply to your property are listed in your tenancy agreement. Each year, we send you a reminder of your service charges, including details of any charges.

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