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Satisfaction of Tenants and Residents

About STAR

Each year our residents are given the opportunity to give us feedback with a STAR (Satisfaction of Tenants and Residents) Survey, a recognised survey that’s used across England and Wales by housing providers to find out what residents think about the services that we offer.

We use an independent company to collect all the responses from residents. It is completely anonymous and we cannot see individual responses if you don’t want us to. If you do want to pass on your comments then you can tick the box at the end of the survey and we can get back to you. All information gathered is handled securely and in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

Results from our latest STAR survey are displayed below:

2021–22 results

The service provided by Melin – 85.3% satisfied

The overall quality of their home – 84.8% satisfied

Their neighbourhood as a place to live – 80.9% satisfied

That their rent provides value for money – 82.9% satisfied

That their service charges provide value for money – 60.8% satisfied

The way we deal with repairs and maintenance – 80.9% satisfied

That we listen to their views and act upon them – 67.7% satisfied

Other documents

There are also a number of documents that show how we are performing. The feedback we obtain guides us on how to improve our service. If you have any further questions on our performance or comments on how we can improve then get in touch.