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Your views – shaping our services

We know that you are the best people to tell us how we are doing, so we’re always keen to hear your views.

Melin Voices logo with the strapline Your Voice Matters

Melin Voices

We know our customers are the best people to help us shape and improve our services.

You know when we get it right, and where we can make improvements.

All our customers become a Voice when they become a Melin resident. We ensure that everyone has the opportunity to take part in surveys.

If you receive a text from us, asking for your views, please take the time to tell us your opinions, to help us make a positive difference.

If you have a suggestion or something that is important to you, and you would like us to look into it, you can email our Listen Act Learn staff group. You can find out more about Listen Act Learn below.

If you would like to be more involved, you can join one of our Voices focus groups:

  • The Community Group meet monthly with the Communities Team to plan and fund neighbourhood events and award grant funding.
  • The Customer Service Group scrutinise the services that Melin provide and give recommendations on service improvement, seeking the views of residents and staff. They meet when required to get reports completed.

Listen Act Learn

We have a dedicated staff group who focus on residents‘ issues and suggestions, listen to them and act on them whenever possible.

Any resident can send us their ideas or suggestion to help us improve the services we provide. If you would like to be more involved you can join our Melin Voices group who have a dedicated budget which they use to support residents, making a difference to our communities.

What Listen Act Learn have done so far

  • We’ve made it clearer who is responsible for pest control.
  • We’ve made a series of videos with our Customer Contact Team providing information and advice so residents can fix common issues themselves – what to do if you have no hot water, how to repressure your boiler, loneliness, safeguarding concerns and more.
  • We’ve sign posted residents to local authorities for gritting concerns.
  • We’ve worked with our Local Authority partners to improve recycling bins and signage in Newport.

It’s a great start, but we want to do more, and with your help and support we can.

You may find these pages helpful

Melin Voices

Read about how our Voices have supported residents and communities in 2021 and what we’re planning for the future.

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