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Nobody wants to share their home with pests such as rodents or insects and there are certain things we can do to try to prevent them.

What you can do

Make sure your home and garden are clear of rubbish that may attract rats or mice and check your property for access points such as damaged vents or holes in the brickwork, which may give space for rodents, wasps, or other insects to make their nests or enter your home. If you find any entry points in your home please report that to us as soon as possible and we will be able to get them looked at.

To keep your home free of rubbish, use the wheelie bins or bags provided by your council, and if you have excess rubbish either use your local authority’s tip facilities or arrange for a licenced waste carrier to remove it.

Types of pests

Mice and rats

Rodents like these spread diseases through their urine and droppings. They may also cause damage to your home, including chewing through electrical wires.

You could buy traps from local DIY stores to try and control them, but it can be very difficult to get rid of them yourself. We recommend you contact the local authority or use a local pest control firm and get professional help. If they are getting into your home please call us to let us know where they are entering the property.


Wasps like to make their nests in sheltered spots – in bushes, lofts, sheds, wall cavities and under eaves.

It can be dangerous to go near a wasps’ nest so it is a good idea to get expert help to remove it.

You should contact your local authority for help removing them. If there is a wasps’ nest attached to your house then contact us to let us know and we can arrange to remove it.


Bees are endangered and nests should only be removed if they pose a threat to people nearby.

If you find a nest or a swarm then you can contact the British Beekeepers’ Association who can help remove the nest without killing the bees.

If the pests have damaged your home

If pests have damaged the fabric of your property we will arrange to repair that damage.

However if you cause damage by failing to prevent or treat a pest problem, then we may not carry out repairs, or we may re-charge the cost of the repair to you.

If pests have damaged your furniture or possessions, you’re responsible for their repair or replacement. You may want to check if your home contents insurance covers damage by pests.

Removing pests from communal areas

We will remove pests from communal areas. Please report pests in communal areas on your Melin Account or use our contact form.

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Contact us

If you’ve checked the information about pests above and need to let us know about a pest issue, visit our contact page.

Get in touch