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End of tenancy and owing rent

An illustration of a front door

If the time comes that you want to move on from your rented Melin home, there are a few things that you will need to consider:

Notice period

You need to give us four weeks’ notice to end your tenancy. The notice starts on the Monday after we have received your request. To end your tenancy, print off the end of tenancy form, fill it in, sign it and send it to us.

Once you have told us that you wish to end your tenancy, your Maintenance Officer will visit you. We do this so that you have the chance to ask any questions about your move.

Damage to the property

When you moved in, your home was in good shape, and we expect it to be left that way for the next residents. Your Maintenance Officer will discuss any areas that may need attention during their visit. You may be charged if there is any damage found.

Rent arrears

We will do all we can to help you clear any debt. Our Melin Advice team are available to discuss any rent debt you may owe.

However, if you make no effort to pay any outstanding rent, we will make every effort to retrieve the debt owed. This may also lead to us giving an unsatisfactory reference to any enquiry from future landlords.

Ignoring unpaid debt will affect any future applications for social housing.

Leaving the property before the agreed date

If you want to return your keys early and we are able to re-let your home before the end date of your notice period, you will not have to pay any rent after the date that the new tenancy starts. This will not be possible in every circumstance.

Leaving the property after the agreed date

If you don’t return your keys until after the agreed tenancy end date, you will be charged a week’s rent, and this will continue each week until we able to take back the property.

Clearing items from the property

When you vacate the property all your belongings and furnishings should be removed.

The only time you will be able to leave items is when it is felt that the incoming resident would benefit from them, and it has been agreed with us.

We will dispose of anything left at the property and you will be charged for the costs of removing these items.

How you can receive £150

Excellent tenants can earn £150. As a departing tenant, you could receive £150 in cashback after your tenancy ends if you:

  • Give us four weeks’ notice that you are ending your tenancy;
  • Allow our Housing Officer to carry out a property inspection;
  • Allow us access to your property for relevant surveys;
  • Carry out any work identified by the surveyors before leaving;
  • Pay any money that is owed to us;
  • Return your keys to us by the agreed date;
  • Make sure your house, garden, shed and attic are clean.

Once we have confirmed all of the above, we will make a £150 payment to you.

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