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Heating not working

What to do if you have no heating or hot water

If you notice that your radiators aren’t getting warm or your heating stops working, there are a few simple things you can do yourself to fix the problem. Before getting in touch with us, have a look at the handy videos below from Worcester Bosch to see if any of these issues is affecting your heating.

Repressurising a boiler

Sometimes if you haven’t used your boiler for a while it can lose pressure – this is something you can sort out yourself. We have produced the video below to guide you on how to repressurise your boiler.

Your boiler will be one of three types. Each of these are covered in the video.

1. A boiler with an internal filling key

2. A boiler with an external filling pipe

3. A boiler with a keyless filling link

If you're having boiler issues that you can't solve yourself, then get in touch with us.

How to repressurise your boiler

Frozen condensate pipe

If your boiler has stopped working in freezing temperatures, then there is a good chance that your condensate pipe has frozen. Luckily, this isn't a big problem and it can be easily resolved yourself.

Check out this video for a guide on how to do it.

How to safely defrost a frozen condensate pipe

Bleeding radiators

If any of your radiators aren’t getting warm at the top, you just need to bleed the radiators. Check out this video to find out how to bleed your radiators.

How to bleed a radiator

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Book a repair

If any of the above fixes haven’t sorted your problem, get in touch with us to book a repair. When you contact us we’ll ask if you’ve done these simple checks.

Still not working