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Back to Antisocial behaviour

What is antisocial behaviour?

Antisocial behaviour (ASB) is a range of behaviours that can cause nuisance and annoyance or harm and distress to a person.

Everyone has the right to enjoy their home quietly and peacefully. It benefits everyone in the community if people get on with each other. We expect all our residents to be considerate neighbours, and to be aware of how their actions could affect someone else.

What is ASB and how does Melin deal with it?

How we can help

Our Community Safety Team takes a person-centered approach, engaging and working with our residents. We recognise that anti-social behaviour can be a symptom of unmet need or trauma.

Our staff are fully trained and focus ASB incidents to the behaviours, strengths and needs of all parties involved. We strongly believe that by working in partnership and using early intervention with a balanced approach focusing on; education, support, prevention and legal action when required provides a lasting solution for residents and their communities.

We have a range of services offered by partners we work with to help find solutions to many anti-social behaviour cases:

Conflict Coaching – Having your say, so you feel heard and find solutions.

Mediation – Mediators are completely impartial; they listen to both sides to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

Counselling – Anti-social behaviour can be distressing for everyone involved, talking things through with a trained professional can help.

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Your responsibilities

When you signed your tenancy agreement with us you promised to be responsible for the behaviour of everyone living in or visiting your home.

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