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Awarding News

Our Being Greener team have received Industry recognition receiving the new idea award at Welsh Housing Awards, 2016. David Wallace, energy project officer collected the award saying “The real winners are the people who have benefitted from the project.”

Written by Fiona

23 Nov, 2016

Awarding News

Our Being Greener team have received Industry recognition receiving the new idea award at Welsh Housing Awards, 2016. David Wallace, energy project officer collected the award saying “The real winners are the people who have benefitted from the project.”

The 12 month project achieved huge results with £71,000 saved in energy costs across 5 local authorities. An amazing 707 households have benefitted from the project with over 320 people making huge savings after the simple process of switching providers. We were so impressed by the achievements that we have rolled out the energy advice service to our residents. Contact us to see how we can help you on 01495 745910.

We send a warm congratulations to all the other finalists and winners, you can see who they are on the Welsh Housing Awards website.

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