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Candleston are recruiting for their Board

We’re recruiting for a new member to join our talented and friendly Candleston board. Candleston is subsidiary of Melin Homes, a not for profit housing association in south east Wales. We are looking for someone with commercial and technical construction experience. If this is you, we would love you to apply.

Written by Valentino

12 Aug, 2020

Candleston logo – Jump on board

We’re recruiting for a new member to join our talented and friendly Candleston board. Candleston is subsidiary of Melin Homes, a not for profit housing association in south east Wales.

Candleston aims to deliver 50 new homes per year, which are mixed tenure sustainable homes of a high quality, investing in the local communities and generating additional revenue so Melin homes can further its social purpose.

We are looking for someone with commercial and technical construction experience. You may have a surveying background, with related professional qualifications and significant experience in the planning and delivery of housing construction projects. If this is you, we would love you to apply.

“The attraction for me was to be involved in the development of much needed new housing and the creation of cohesive integrated communities. I wanted to give my time and expertise to a sustainable worthwhile business and to be able to return surpluses to Melin to further its charitable purposes”.
– Kevin Beevers, Chair of the Candleston board

The position attracts a £4,000 salary, and we would expect you to commit to the following:

  • Monthly Board meetings. Held via Zoom at the moment.
  • An annual Business Planning session that we hold, from which officers will produce a Business Plan for sign off by Candleston and Melin Boards.
  • Board Directors will be required to join our Melin board members on their business planning events.
  • The Candleston board also meet with the Melin Board twice a year to assess performance, share progress and discuss lessons learnt.

We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds – all genders, people of all ages, sexual orientations, nationalities, religions and beliefs.

We particularly encourage applications from disabled and Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) candidates, as these groups are currently underrepresented on our Board.

You can find out more about Candleston by visiting the website.

To apply please send your CV and covering letter to Tom Broadhead, Company Secretary –

The closing date is Wednesday 16 September 2020
Zoom interviews – week commencing 28 September 2020.

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