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Cheque this out!

Size of Wales were very pleased to receive the £267 fundraised for #GoGreenDay which will help protect 2 million hectares of tropical rainforest and will be match funded by the charity, to make a massive £534!

Written by Fiona

23 Nov, 2016

Cheque this out!

Size of Wales were very pleased to receive the £267 fundraised for #GoGreenDay which will help protect 2 million hectares of tropical rainforest and will be match funded by the charity, to make a massive £534!

Size of Wales created Go Green Day to raise awareness of the very real issue of climate change. Staff as always fully supported the fundraising on the day; dressing in green, receiving green ‘Wales’ tattoos, and holding a huge raffle with over 15 prizes donated by contractors and partners.

Aimee Parker, Assistant Director at Size of Wales said “The support we have received from Melin Homes and other companies in Wales is so important and supports the vital work we do. We are looking forward to working with Melin on future projects”

We are already looking forward to thinking of new fundraising ideas for next year’s Go Green Day. You can still support Size of Wales, visit their website for more details. Climate change is everybody’s responsibility.

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