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Chocs away

We collected all our left over Christmas goodies and donated them to Eden Gate, a homelessness charity based in Newport.

Written by Fiona

03 Feb, 2017

Chocs away
We collected all our left over Christmas goodies and donated them to Eden Gate, a homelessness charity based in Newport.

Gill, Vice chair of trustees (left) and Jan (right) a long-standing volunteer eagerly received the donation. Marc, Operation Manager at Eden Gate said; “Thank you for your donation of left over Christmas goodies and continued support for Eden Gate. Donations of chocolate and cake always go down well with our guests! A lot of what we do is combating social isolation, building trust and breaking down barriers with our guests. This is so much easier when chocolate & cake is involved! Thank you to everyone who contributed.”

We are excited to announce that on 19th February we will be sponsoring Eden Gate’s Sunday Munch, providing 40 food bags containing a sandwich, drink, fruit, cake and crisps. We also have three members of staff donating their time to prepare and hand out the bags; watch this space for an update.

Eden Gate are also raising funds to upgrade their night shelter vehicle, and they would welcome any donation no matter how small, so why not visit their Total Giving page?

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