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Did you see us on ‘DIY SOS: The Big Build?’

We donated the services of our painting team who provided six days free labour to Charlotte and Rob from Monmouth, as featured on the BBC One series ‘DIY SOS: The Big Build’ to help transform their home.

Written by Fiona

30 Mar, 2017

Did you see us on 'DIY SOS: The Big Build?'
We donated the services of our painting team who provided six days free labour to Charlotte and Rob from Monmouth, as featured on the BBC One series ‘DIY SOS: The Big Build’ to help transform their home.

The family who appeared on the show screened on 29th March 2017 were struck by tragedy in 2015 whilst expecting the birth of their twin boys. During the pregnancy Charlotte developed Preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure and the leading cause of maternal and infant death. Minutes after given birth, Charlotte suffered a serious stroke, sending her into a coma. Luckily Charlotte pulled through but the stroke had caused brain damage, partial paralysis and loss of speech. One year on, whilst Charlotte had made progress the family was in desperate need of additional space for a live in carer, wet room and a physiotherapy room. DIY SOS: The Build came to the rescue, helping the local family rebuild their home, and their lives.

Staff from our painting team; Andy Pollard, Dave Badham, Gareth Williams, Mark Ferris and Tom Roberts were joined by apprentices Michael Edwards and Jordan Worsfold from Y Prentis to paint the house. When they arrived ‘The big build’ project was behind schedule. All staff took the ‘one team Melin’ approach staying late every night and mucked in with whatever job was needed, including putting up curtains and sewing cushions on the last day.

Dave Badham, Team Leader of the team said, “We jumped at the chance to help such a deserving family. Working with other local companies and the famous DIY SOS Team was a real privilege. The whole project is a team effort and the achievements were amazing.”

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