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Engaging and learning with South Wales Fire & Rescue

We were pleased to welcome a crew from South Wales Fire & Rescue to our Castle Court sheltered scheme in Usk for an engagement visit.

Written by Will

17 Jan, 2024

A group of firemen standing outside a block of apartments

Organised by scheme manager Diane Hughes, she wanted to give the fire service the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the Castle Court building and to reassure the residents living there.

The officers from South Wales Fire & Rescue were in great spirits during the visit and took the opportunity to engage with residents about fire safety, learning about their support needs and carrying out fire safety checks of individual flats. To the delight of residents, they also provided some free of charge equipment such as extension leads.

Diane said: “Residents were very pleased with the visit and felt more reassured after.”

The crew will also be returning to Castle Court to provide residents with some free vibrating pillow alarms for those with hearing impairments, who may not hear a traditional fire alarm.

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