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Fly Tipping Prosecution

Fly tipping is a serious offence that can result in prosecution and fines. Please be aware of the consequences of fly tipping and make sure that you dispose of your waste the right way.

Written by Marcus

17 Nov, 2016

Fly Tipping Prosecution

Its important to be aware that fly tipping is illegal and to know about the serious consequences it can have. Recently we assisted Torfaen Council in a fly tipping prosecution case involving one of our residents. The resident was convicted and fined for ‘failing to take reasonable measures to secure that the transfer of household waste was only to an authorised person’. The resident claimed to have paid an unknown man to dispose of the rubbish.

Two thirds of all illegally dumped waste in Wales comes from residential households, and householders have a legal responsibility to ensure that their waste is disposed of properly. Failing to do so can result in fines of up to £5,000 on conviction in the magistrates’ court or an unlimited fine if convicted in the crown court.

Further information on the work that local councils and other agencies in Wales are undertaking to combat fly tipping can be found by visiting the Fly Tipping Action Wales website.

Please be aware of the consequences of fly tipping and make sure that you dispose of your waste the right way.

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