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Fun in the sun at Barrackswood Community Day

On Tuesday 24 August, we were pleased to pay a role in a free community afternoon hosted by fellow housing association, Pobl Group, at the Barrackswood open space, adjacent to the Barracksfield estate in Newport.

Written by Will

26 Aug, 2021

Two members of Melin staff playing games with children on a sunny day

Basking in some August sunshine, the event proved very popular with hundreds of local residents attending throughout the afternoon. Family fun was top of the agenda, with youngsters enjoying graffiti art, stone painting, coding, music and football sessions. Food and ice cream was provided, much to the delight of young and old alike! We provided a balloon artist and bouncy castle, which proved very popular and we had many visitors to the Melin stall.

It was great to see our friends at County in the Community at the event, hosting organised football sessions on the artificial pitch. We were also pleased to be joined by Gwent Police, who, as part of their #WeDon’tBuyCrime campaign were offering bike marking to help deter theft.

Some young children holding their prizes
Some of the youngsters enjoying freebies at the event

Helen Seymour, Melin Homes’ Communities Officer said: “We’ve had a fantastic afternoon here in Barrackswood and the response from the local community has been great. Seeing so many young people coming out to enjoy the beautiful weather and get plenty of exercise has been so heartening after such a tough time for us all.

“I would like to thank our friends at Pobl Group for organising the event and thanks also go to all of the groups and individuals who made the day possible.”

It is so important for housing associations such as ourselves to play a proactive role in our communities and we are thrilled that we are now able to get out and about in Melin communities once again.

Helen Seymour, Communities Officer — Melin Homes

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