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Gender Pay Gap Report April 2020

The Gender Pay Gap is the percentage difference between average hourly earnings for men and women.

Written by Sam

16 Mar, 2020

zero pay gap
The Gender Pay Gap is the percentage difference between average hourly earnings for men and women. At this year’s “snapshot date” Melin employed fewer than 250 staff and we are therefore not required to publish our gender pay gap and report. However, we're so proud of it being zero we want everyone to know.
We are voluntarily choosing to do so as we feel pay transparency is an important driver of equality. Our commitment to pay transparency can also be demonstrated by the publication of the CEO Pay Transparency report on our website.
A Median Gender Pay Gap of zero is really something to celebrate.
Since 2017 our Gender Pay Gap has improved year on year as a result of many small decisions we have made along the way.
We have not set out to deliberately improve our Gender Pay Gap but good business decisions made in line with our values have improved many aspects of life at Melin.
Chief Executive Paula Kennedy said: “We are keen to rise to the challenge of finding ways to attract more women into our maintenance team. We will continue to ‘do the right thing’ and our Gender Pay Gap will be one of the measures we use to check that we are achieving our aim.”

To read the full report please click here.

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