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Green Energy Champions

We have joined forces with P&P Builders to deliver a fun interactive energy efficiency programme to the Eco Council at Crickhowell Primary School. The school has also benefitted from being back on track with their eco flag status thanks to the outstanding programme.

Written by Fiona

08 Feb, 2017

Green Energy Champions
We have joined forces with P&P Builders to deliver a fun interactive energy efficiency programme to the Eco Council at Crickhowell Primary School. The school has also benefitted from being back on track with their eco flag status thanks to the outstanding programme.

The Eco Council is made up of 14 children, and they all successfully completed the programme with each child receiving a certificate. The children said; “We have had so much fun, we even made a video to show people our top ten energy saving tips.” You can view the video on Melin Homes You Tube account.

Tim Crook from P & P Builders said: “We are passionate about supporting communities. When we were given the opportunity to sponsor an energy efficiency schools programme for the Eco council of Crickhowell primary school we jumped at the chance. Melin Homes taught the children all about simple ways they could save money and energy around the home. The children were really engaged and eager to teach their parents!”

Peter Crockett Deputy Chief Executive at Melin Homes said “We are very excited to be able to offer companies the chance to take an active part in our energy school’s programme. Working with the wider community is what Melin is all about.”

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