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Happy Residents helped by our Housing Team

Miss West and Mr Williams, Mountain Road, Ebbw Vale moved into their bungalow in June.

Written by Marcus

03 Nov, 2016

Miss West and Mr Williams, Mountain Road, Ebbw Vale moved into their bungalow in June. After previously living in a house that was unsuitable for wheelchair bound Mr Williams, they were delighted when they were found their new home. “When he was very ill we didn’t do anything about it, but once his health was improving it really brought home to us how unsuitable our previous house was for our needs. As soon as approached the housing team at Melin, they could not have been more helpful in helping us register and apply.” said Miss West.

The new house according to the couple has made a “massive difference” to their lives; “Before I was stuck and it was difficult watching people around have to carry me and my wheelchair around the house. This new bungalow makes every quicker and safer for me, and I am able to live my life to the fullest with the people closest to me.” said Mr Williams. The couple wanted to pass on their thanks to the Melin staff who made the move possible.

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