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Local councils want to talk to as many people as possible, who live and work in their areas about well-being.

Written by Sam

06 Sept, 2016

have your say

Local councils want to talk to as many people as possible, who live and work in their areas about well-being. They want to know what is good about your community and what you want the future of your community to be. This is your chance to help shape the way public services plan and work together.

We all want good value for money from our public services and this is best done when we work together. The information you give will help to assess the well-being of Wales. This assessment will then help the public services boards to develop a well-being plan.

Improving well-being is a long term aim of Welsh Government and all public bodies in Wales. It will require us to respond to challenges such as poverty, an aging population, health inequality and climate change. Future generations of young, adult and older people will face a different world to the one we have now - so this assessment and plan will look at how we need to do things differently to make things better in the future.

If you have access to the internet and want to find out more on the new ways of working this link to the Welsh Government website is a useful source of information:

If you live in Torfaen:

You can use the online form and have your say at this page on Torfaen Council's website.

If you live in Monmouthshire you can also have your say. Here's how;

  • Via Monmouthshire Made Open
  • Online Survey
  • Pick a post card up from your local Hub
  • Come and see us at Usk Show on Saturday 13th September!
  • Or look out for us across the county during September and October.

If you would like to help us with the engagement process you could:

  • Volunteer to go out into communities with the Our Monmouthshire resources – talking to people about things that matter to them
  • Tell us about any events that you’re attending over the next few months – could you take the Our Monmouthshire resources with you?
  • Share our information with your family, friends or any groups that you attend.

If you‘d like to get involved or have any questions please email Communications & Engagement Officer Rhian Cook.

If you live in Newport:

Your Newport Survey 2016
Arolwg Eich Casnewydd 2016

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