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Helping Lone Parents get back to work

Are you a lone parent looking to get back into work? Then we have just the event for you.

Written by Marcus

11 Jan, 2019

We are holding a Family Fun Event with the DWP to help you put all the pieces back together for lone parents to return to work.

It is being held at Cwmbran Stadium 10am-1pm on Tuesday January 29th. You can…

• Meet local employers with vacancies and family friendly hours
• Meet local childcare providers
• Find out about financial support available for childcare
• Volunteering opportunities
• Speak to employment advisors and get help with your CV,
interview techniques and confidence
• Find out about courses and retraining
• Get advice on setting up your own business

This is a family friendly event, so bring the kids! We’ll have lots of fun and activities to keep them occupied!

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