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Housing Officer’s helping hand

Our Neighbourhood Housing Officer Kate has worked hard to help one family stay together

Written by Sam

23 Apr, 2020

housing officer Kate

Our Neighbourhood Officer Kate has worked hard to help one family stay together. For about a year she’s supported a resident who was struggling to keep their home in good condition and who’s child has complex needs. Neighbours had reported concerns for the child’s welfare and the property condition, so Kate worked with the resident on an action plan to address the problems. Kate and a support worker visited weekly and the resident responded well to their help, even attending Families First training groups.

Things are now back on track and Kate is thrilled for the family. She said: “I got a call today from the resident who told me how happy they were - they couldn’t believe it. It’s made my day. I’ve worked so hard to help this family and keep them together.”

#thisishousing More than just a day job.

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