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International Women’s Day 2022

Written by Will

07 Mar, 2022

Some Melin staff members holding IWD pledge signs

On Tuesday 8 March we will once again be proudly celebrating International Women’s Day. The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘Break the Bias.’ This theme calls on organisations and individuals across the world to act proactively to put an end to gender bias, stereotyping and discrimination.

We were thrilled to see so many of our staff members sharing their messages of support for ‘Break the Bias.’ Pledges include celebrating the achievements of women, maintaining a gender equal mindset and challenging gender stereotypes.

Melin female staff holding International Women's Day pledge signs
Some of our staff holding IWD pledges

At Melin Homes, we are passionate about creating an environment that allows everyone to flourish, regardless of their background. Our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy ensures that we treat all residents, staff and contractors on the basis of equality and that we will not tolerate gender-based discrimination.

We were also the first housing association in Wales to achieve the QED (Quality in Equality and Diversity) accreditation from Tai Pawb, who promote equality and social justice in Welsh housing. This means that Melin Homes goes beyond the basic legal requirements for equality, diversity and inclusion and has an ongoing action plan to ensure that we do all we can to promote equality.

Some male Melin staff members showing the symbol for International Women's Day
Some of our staff celebrating International Women’s Day

As well as achieving the QED Award, we have also signed the Deeds Not Words and Zero Racism Wales pledges, demonstrating our refusal to accept any form of racism or discrimination in our workplace.

In addition to this, we report annually on our gender pay gap – a key driver of equality. We are proud to have a median gender pay gap of zero as of the last reporting year. This, along with our commitment to flexible ways of working, helps make Melin a female friendly employer which gives women a working environment in which they can flourish professionally and personally.

“There are inspirational and dedicated women working at every level of Melin Homes – making a real difference to the lives of our residents and communities.

“I’m proud to see the staff team here pledging to ‘Break the Bias’ this International Women’s Day. Equality, diversity and inclusion is part of the fabric of how we operate at Melin and I am proud of our ongoing work in this area.”

Paula Kennedy, CEO — Melin Homes

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