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Thanks to our Jump Fund one local primary school received £1000 to make their play times amazing, environmentally-friendly and educational.

Written by Sam

24 Sept, 2018

teletubby style tunnels
Remember the days of the old school yard? Well things have changed! It’s not just some gravel, a football and a skipping rope anymore. Thanks to Melin Homes’ Jump Fund one local primary school received £1000 to make their playtimes amazing, environmentally-friendly and educational.

Griffithstown Primary is already part of a Keep Wales Tidy initiative to renovate their canal jetty, build a pond and create a bee-friendly wildlife area. Now thanks to staff donations to the housing association’s community pot The Jump Fund, pupils have also benefited from some Teletubby-style tubes. These tremendous tunnels take pupils between mounds of earth created from the soil that was dug out when making the pond. They allow pupils to get up close and personal with nature. From the tunnels, they can crawl and explore the garden, observe the roots of plants and worms moving through the earth. The children can also observe how underground life responds to light sources.

Headteacher Mr Blackburn said: Melin has been so supportive to us. The educational opportunities are remarkable and we truly appreciate your support.”

Communities team manager at Melin Caroline Morgan added: “This was a really unique and creative idea to encourage and inspire young people in our neighbourhoods to learn about their environment and boost their knowledge. We were thrilled to be able to help the school make this exciting project a reality.”

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