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Managing your heating costs this winter

Winter is now well on its way and we have shared lots of information about the help that is available towards the cost of your energy bills. Despite the government interventions and grants available, we cannot escape from the fact that our energy costs will be higher this winter, starting with the new energy 'price cap' on 1st October. The best way to spend less on your heating costs is to use less heating, so we have gathered some useful advice on how you can keep yourself warm and manage the cost of your utility bills.

Written by Will

30 Sept, 2022

The term 'energy price cap' has caused a lot of confusion for our residents. The new price cap of £2,500 is not the most you will pay, it is just an average figure. Your usage will vary based on how much gas and electric you use and the size of your household. Check out the video below to learn more about what the new energy price cap means for you...

New energy 'price cap' explained

Hints and tips on how to keep your costs down

  • Close your curtains

It’s thought around 10-20% of the heat in homes is lost through windows and external doors. It might seem simple, but closing your curtains (or blinds) at night will help keep the heat in and limit draughts coming from your windows. If they hang in front of radiators, tuck them behind so the heat can still get into your room. Make sure you open your curtains in the morning though, as letting sunlight in can help to heat up your home during the day.

Another idea is buying thermal curtains. The thick woven designs are made to provide maximum insulation and warmth in a room.

  • Control your radiators

Do you have rooms that you don’t spend much time in? Turn off the radiator(s) or set them to the lowest level and shut the door(s) to save energy.

In the rooms you do use, try to keep your radiators and heaters clear so they can effectively heat up the room. Otherwise, the heat will be directed into the back of your sofa (or whatever item of furniture is blocking the way).

  • Block draughts

If you have any draughts in your house, don’t ignore them. Get a draught excluder to block them from coming in under doors and if you don’t have a draught excluder you can always use a rolled up old towel for the same effect.

  • Wear layers

One of the best ways to keep yourself warm is to dress in layers. Thicker clothes can help us keep warm, but layers are even more effective at keeping the heat in. A vest under a top and jumper/hoody can help keep you very warm and prevent the need to turn the heating up.

  • Duvets, blankets and hot water bottles

Make sure that you use the right kind of duvet for the season. Duvets are rated by ‘tog’ and you should use a higher tog duvet in the winter to keep you warm and this will help you use less heating. If your duvet is a bit thin, throwing a blanket on top of it can make a big difference as well as putting a hot water bottle under the sheets before going to bed.

  • Balance between heating and ventilation

One of the easiest ways to keep your home warm is to ensure that windows and doors are closed, as you don’t want to let any heat out. However, it is still important to ventilate your home, particularly in the bathroom or in a room where clothes are drying. The best way to ensure a balance between the two is to keep windows and doors closed when you’re heating is on, and to open them for a little bit when it is off. Make sure you use ventilation systems where they are present, e.g. in your bathroom.

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