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Melin Homes Regulatory Judgement 2018

The Welsh Government has again awarded us the highest judgement for financial viability, governance and landlords services.

Written by Valentino

31 Oct, 2018

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The Welsh Government has again awarded us the highest judgement for financial viability, governance and landlords services. The “Standard/Standard” regulatory judgement demonstrates that we have robust financial practices in place, effective governance arrangements and landlord services. This judgement demonstrates that we are able to meet a range of scenarios that may face the sector in the future.

The annual judgement is designed to provide us, our residents, stakeholders, and lenders with assurance into how we are governed, how we meet our ongoing financial commitments and how we deliver effective landlords services. It’s seen as a key measure of performance in the sector.

Chief Executive, Paula Kennedy said “Today’s judgement is a good reflection of our current position and I am pleased to see that Welsh Government has recognised our sound financial position, excellent landlord services and effective governance arrangements. This position gives us an excellent foundation on which to deliver on our ambitious plans to build more affordable homes across south east Wales. In the coming year, we look forward to working closely with the regulation team, to continue to deliver enhanced services to our residents. I’m confident that our plans will mean we can continue to provide our residents with high-quality homes and services.”

See the Regulatory Judgement – English (PDF)

See the Regulatory Judgement – Welsh (PDF)

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