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Minister backs our new school programme, FACE

The Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Rebecca Evans is backing our school’s programme. The launch was held at Abersychan Comprehensive, with staff and stakeholders talking about the benefits and exciting future of FACE, the new interactive and inspiring schools project. To mark the launch a careers fair, and wellbeing event was held involving the whole school and feeder primary schools.

Written by Fiona

17 Jul, 2018

Minister backs our new school programme, FACE
The Minister for Housing and Regeneration, Rebecca Evans is backing our school’s programme. The launch was held at Abersychan Comprehensive, with staff and stakeholders talking about the benefits and exciting future of FACE, the new interactive and inspiring schools project. To mark the launch a careers fair, and wellbeing event was held involving the whole school and feeder primary schools.

After hearing about pupils who have graduated from the programme, Minister Rebecca Evans said:

“The team at Melin Homes have created a fantastic programme, which demonstrates how housing associations can play a role in improving the
well-being of people in the communities they serve.

“It’s great to hear how these young people are thinking big in their aspirations and career choices and I’m delighted to congratulate everyone who has graduated from the programme today.”

We recognised the importance of developing, encouraging and embedding the young people of today in everything we do. With this aim, we developed a school’s programme which will:

• Work with 25 Schools over the next five years to inspire pupils to achieve,
• Promote the varied careers in housing,
• Work with our sheltered schemes promoting intergenerational activities,
• Improve the health and well-being of staff and pupils.

The project is bold, and already has impressive statistics to shout about having already worked with 16 Comprehensive schools, 1692 pupils and 80 teachers. Let’s FACE it the future certainly looks bright.

Headmaster of Abersychan Comprehensive Phil Collins has been an ambassador for the project from day one saying; “ We have been delighted with the exceptionally positive relationship that has been developed between the school and Melin Homes through our Business Class partnership. The School’s programme has provided both our pupils and staff with a range of activities and opportunities that have raised aspiration, self-esteem and improved well-being. The years activities have culminated in the highly successful FACE launch. We look forward to many more exciting opportunities over the next year.”

Speaking about the commitment to schools, our Chief Executive; Paula Kennedy said; “We recognize the importance of developing, encouraging and embracing the young people of today. We will continue to develop our schools programme, apprenticeship opportunities and our youth group The Volume. We want to create opportunities for as many young people as possible, this will enhance their skills and strengthen communities. Our aim is to ensure that all young people can access social action opportunities, whatever their background.”

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