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New year, new opening times

We're excited to announce that from 2nd January our Customer Contact team will be available at new times to chat to you.

Written by Fiona

13 Dec, 2017

New year, new opening times

We're excited to announce that from 2nd January our Customer Contact team will be available at new times to chat to you.

8 am - 6 pm Monday - Thursday
8 am - 5 pm Fridays

There are Six ways you can get in touch with us;
1. Online
2. Email
3. Tweet
4. Message us on Facebook
5. Text
6. Call

Our reception and visits will be between 9 am - 5 pm.
If there is an emergency and you need to get in touch with us when our office is closed, you can call our out of hours number 01495 745910.

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