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On the shortlist!

Our Resident Customer Service Group have been shortlisted in this year’s CSI Awards.

Written by Valentino

26 Oct, 2016

Our Resident Customer Service Group have been shortlisted in this year’s CSI Awards.
Our Resident Customer Service Group have been shortlisted in this year’s CSI Awards. The CSI Awards are now in their third year – and are growing from strength to strength with scrutiny groups representing housing organisations of all sizes from across the UK recognised and valued.

Our Customer Service Group is made up of residents and they have been shortlisted for the award as a result of the work they have undertaken to scrutinise our services. They have made recommendations on how we can improve our services, which has resulted in changes to the way we do things here at Melin.

The Award ceremony is due to take place on Thursday 27th October 2016. You can find out more about the awards at the CSI Awards website.

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