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Our Income and Inclusion team

Our Income & Inclusion team is here to help you stay on track with your tenancy. We have trained advisors to support your needs.

Written by Fiona

24 Jan, 2018

Our Income and Inclusion team
Our Income & Inclusion team is here to help you stay on track with your tenancy. We have trained advisors to support your needs. We have dedicated advice teams to help with:
  • Money
  • Employment
  • Energy

Please don’t suffer in silence, if you don’t speak to us we can’t help you. Or specialist teams are here for you.

Money Advice

Our accredited advisors offer a free confidential service, and can help with:

  • First class benefit advice; including Universal Credit, Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and the Benefit Cap;
  • Money and budgeting advice;
  • Help to get things like washing machines and fridge freezers;
  • Help with tribunal assistance or reconsiderations for benefit appeals;
  • Help to open a bank or savings account or digitally assist;
  • Food vouchers.

Get in touch by email, via our live chat here on our website, Facebook, Twitter, text or telephone.

Employment Advice

Our highly trained and experienced job advisors are here to help you with any aspects of getting back into work. Do you need help with:

  • Training;
  • Volunteering;
  • Work Placements;
  • Job Searches;
  • CV writing;
  • Interview techniques;
  • Confidence building.
Get in touch by email, via our live chat here on our website, Facebook, Twitter, text or telephone.

Energy Advice

Our dedicated energy advisors help you save money and energy. Do you need help with:

  • Gas and electric bills;
  • Changing Supplier;
  • Pre-payment meters;
  • Priority Service Register (PSR);
  • Water payments;
  • Warm Homes discount.
Get in touch by email, via our live chat here on our website, Facebook, Twitter, text or telephone.

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