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Our maintenance service

Despite the current pandemic, our Maintenance service is in the best position it has ever been, and the team have seen massive improvements over the year compared to 2019.

Written by Fiona

02 Mar, 2021


Our Maintenance service is in the best position it has ever been, despite the current pandemic.

The team have successfully reviewed approaches to the service with particular focus on:

  • Productivity
  • Improving procedures and processes
  • Providing training
  • Changing behaviours
Productivity, Improving procedures and processes, providing training for staff and changing behaviours

This has meant we are completing more jobs, in a quicker time. We are really proud of the team and the achievements they have made.

Have a look at our figures below to see how the team have improved…

Increase of 33% in repairs from June/July 2019 to December 2020

We have increased routine repairs completed in target from 60% in June/July 2019 to 93% in December 2020 (an increase of 33%)

Reduction in time taken for routine repairs of 69% from July 2019 to December 2020

Reduction in time taken for routine repairs from 39.7 days in July 2019 to 12.9 days in December 2020 (a reduction of 68%)

Reduction in time taken to complete routine electrical repairs is over 77% from July 2019 to December 2020

Reduction in time taken to complete routine electrical repairs from 43 days in July 2019 to 10.2 days in December 2020 (a reduction of over 77%)

A reduction of over 76% in time taken for routine maintenance repairs from July 2019 to December 2020

Reduction in time taken for routine maintenance repairs from 54.7 days in July 2019 to 13.1 days in December 2020 (a reduction of over 76%)

A reduction of over 41% in time taken for routine plumbing and gas repairs from July 2019 to December 2020

Reduction in time taken for routine plumbing and gas repairs from 19 days in July 2019 to 11 days in December 2020 (a reduction of over 41%)

Our teams completed approximately 41 jobs in quarter four of 2020 than in quarter 2 of 2019

Our teams completed approximately 41 more emergency, routine, urgent and planned repairs in quarter four of 2020 than were completed in quarter two of 2019.


Our Maintenance teams completed over 7% more repairs in 2020, than were completed in 2018 and only 4% less repairs than were completed in 2019 , despite the restrictions of 2020.

Reduction of the number of live repairs in the system by 44% from May 2019 to December 2020, and only 4% less repairs than were completed in 2019, despite the restrictions of 2020

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