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Our new ‘Diolch’ recognition initiative is now open to our communities

We are thrilled to share the news that we will be expanding our successful ‘Diolch’ recognition initiative into our communities across South-east Wales. This means that Melin residents will now be able to nominate their Melin neighbours for a ‘Diolch’ reward as a way of saying thank you for making their community a better place.

Written by Will

16 May, 2022

A thumbs up logo and the words 'Community Diolch – Nominate a neighbour'

We are thrilled to share the news that we will be expanding our successful ‘Diolch’ recognition initiative into our communities across South-east Wales. This means that Melin residents will now be able to nominate their Melin neighbours for a ‘Diolch’ reward as a way of saying thank you for making their community a better place.

What is Diolch?

The Diolch initiative has been in place for a number of years at Melin. It is a scheme through which people can nominate Melin staff members for a Diolch reward to recognise them going the extra mile within their jobs. Now, Melin residents will be able to be nominated as well. Nominees will receive a certificate and be offered the opportunity to have Melin make a £5 donation on their behalf to one of our supported charities or projects: Wales Air Ambulance, Stump Up for Trees or the Melin Jump2 Fund.

The idea to expand the Diolch initiative into our communities came via Melin’s #ListenActLearn feedback group. The group, which was established to act on resident feedback, noted that we did not have a way of recognising the everyday acts of kindness happening across our communities each day. As Diolch had worked so well within Melin’s staff teams, it was decided to expand this for our communities.

Fiona Williams, who co-ordinates Diolch for Melin was excited to see the initiative grow into a new phase. She said: “Expanding Diolch into our communities is a really positive step for us as we look to work ever closer with our residents.

Residents can nominate a Melin neighbour for a Diolch for any positive act. Maybe they pick litter on the street? Do they help with your garden, or perhaps give you a lift to the shops? Anything that makes our community a better place is worthy of a nomination.

Fiona Williams, Principal Communications Officer — Melin Homes

Looking forward to nominations coming forward, Fiona added: “Having one united Diolch scheme brings Melin staff closer to our residents and means that we can shine a spotlight on all the unsung heroes within our communities. I can’t wait to see the first nominations so we can showcase all the positive things happening across our region!”

How can residents nominate a neighbour?

You can submit a Diolch nomination at any time by email to

Nominations must contain the following information:

  • Your name and address
  • Your nominee’s name, address and preferably an email address or telephone number.
  • The reason for your nomination – feel free to include photos as well!

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