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Over £16,000 raised for St David’s Hospice

We supported St David’s Hospice Care during 2019 and 2020. Through sponsorship of events, fundraising in the office (when we could) and online fundraising Melin and our generous staff raised an impressive £16,599.38 for the local charity.

Written by Fiona

10 Feb, 2021

Team wearing charity t-shirts

We supported St David’s Hospice Care during 2019 and 2020. Through sponsorship of events, fundraising in the office (when we could) and online fundraising Melin and our generous staff raised an impressive £16,599.38 for the local charity.

Three people holding medals

Staff found innovative ways to fundraise; holding virtual breakfasts, raffles, purchasing pin badges for all staff, even roping in our Senior Management team to complete dares in lieu of donations to our funding page for the charity. In these difficult times this has benefitted staff, bringing teams together, really bringing home our motto of Together We Can. Who doesn’t like to see senior staff complete TikTok dares, a marshmallow challenge and even the ice bucket challenge – especially in the name of charity. The team also donated fresh fruit to the staff and patients at the hospice.

Team wearing t-shirts

Kris Broome of St David’s Hospice Care said: “We were delighted when we first learnt that we were to be the nominated charity for Melin homes. Working with the team at Melin was a real pleasure, always happy to hear of our next fundraising idea and wanting to find out more so they could inform their staff. Not only did they engage in many activities, they were always happy to consider sponsoring events and campaigns that we developed. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all involved from everyone involved with St David’s Hospice Care.”

Melin’s Chief Executive Paula Kennedy Said: "Many people have experienced the loss of a relative or friend who had a life limiting condition and I’ve heard first-hand how excellent the care that St David’s gives to support people is. As a charity they can’t do this great work without the continued need to fundraise and at Melin we wanted to go the extra mile to support them for two years, and I couldn’t be prouder of our staff and the amount they raised.”

We have already sponsored St David’s Tour De Gwent which is due to take place later this year, and already have a staff team eagerly waiting to take part.

Team members dressed as dalmations

All photos were taken at the Kolor Dash and Dalmation Bike Ride in 2019 before COVID.

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