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Praise for our Money Advice Team on ‘Mate Crime’

When one of our residents from Cwmbran, Mr Bennett, was interviewed by the BBC on the issue of ‘mate crime’, he praised the work of our Money Advice Team.

Written by Marcus

26 May, 2016

When one of our residents from Cwmbran, Mr Bennett, was interviewed by the BBC on the issue of ‘mate crime’, he praised the work of our Money Advice Team. Incidents of ‘Mate crime’ - where vulnerable people are befriended then bullied or conned - are increasing, according to reports from victim support groups.

Mr Bennett had recently been a victim of this type of crime and said he had "lost trust in everything" after so-called friends stole from him. He said of those that stole from him that; "these people are really good at what they do. They make out they are buddies only to be in there with a motive."

He praised the work of our Money Advice Team, saying they were “so helpful, not only during this really stressful time, but over months and months”. He said that “Gavin from the Money Advice Team has been great in getting me the support and help I need and help to turn my life around one day at a time”.

If you want to talk to us about your money issues, our team are always happy to help with no judgement and no pressure. Give them a call on 01495 745910.

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