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Remembering HM Queen Elizabeth II

The staff, residents and board members of Melin Homes were saddened to hear of the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II, Britain's longest reigning monarch. Here, we share information on how residents can participate in acts of remembrance, honouring the life of the Queen.

Written by Will

15 Sept, 2022

A photo of Queen Elizabeth II in black and white

Remembering HM Queen Elizabeth II

The country is observing a national period of mourning following the death of HM Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen's life and example touched the hearts of our staff, residents and board members and we will be observing the bank holiday on Monday 19 September to pay our respects on the day of the state funeral.

We know that people from across our region in South East Wales will want to pay tribute to the Queen in their own way. We have listed a few different ways of making an act of remembrance and condolence below...

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