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Save hundreds of pounds with Dwr Cymru

Dwr Cymru Welsh Water is promoting its HelpU tariff, which is aimed at lower income households. We are urging residents with annual household incomes of £15,000 or less to consider switching to the HelpU tariff to benefit from lower bills.

Written by Marcus

09 Mar, 2016

Dwr Cymru HelpU
Dwr Cymru Welsh Water is promoting its HelpU tariff, which is aimed at lower income households. We are urging residents with annual household incomes of £15,000 or less to consider switching to the HelpU tariff to benefit from lower bills.

As many as 190,000 Welsh residents could be eligible for savings of up to £250 on their water bills and Dwr Cymru Welsh Water there there to support you to make a tariff switch.

If you get help through the HelpU scheme, your water bill will be capped. This means you won't pay over a certain amount for the year.

The Melin Money Advice Team can help you apply - you can call them on 01495 745910 or email them here.

You can also apply for HelpU by filling in an online application form on the Welsh Water website. You'll need to supply evidence that you qualify, such as a payslip or a copy of your awards notice for a benefit.

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