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South Wales Argus Business Awards

We have been shortlisted in the South Wales Argus Business Awards Best Place to Work category. We are fully committed to supporting our staff, we invest in our people and create a vibrant culture. We are currently number 11 on the Sunday Times Top 100 Not-For-Profit Organisations to work for, we listen to our staff to continually make this a better place to work.

Written by Fiona

17 Oct, 2019

South Wales Argus Business Awards

We have been shortlisted in the South Wales Argus Business Awards Best Place to Work category.

We are fully committed to supporting our staff, we invest in our people and create a vibrant culture. We are currently number 11 on the Sunday Times Top 100 Not-For-Profit Organisations to work for, we listen to our staff to continually make this a better place to work.

Here's what our staff say:

“Melin Has a real family ethos and I am proud to play my part in making it the successful organisation it has become.”

“Melin has a great culture, great people and a vision to make a real difference to the lives of the residents and communities we serve.”

We are passionate about our staff’s physical and mental well-being and for the last eight years our Zest initiative has provided a whole team well-being extravaganza, fruit, massages, self-referral counselling, flexible working and more.

We shout out about staff achievements with a weekly newsletter, staff Facebook page, and TV screens around the offices. Staff can nominate each other for going over and above through our diolch awards, in the last year 130 staff have been recognised, over 500 trees planted and 80 donations to charity. We have a dedicated charity of the year, and 98% of our staff think we encourage charitable activities.

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