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Supporting St David’s

Last Sunday we sponsored St David's Hospice Care's Pontypool 10 k and family fun run.

Written by Fiona

25 Feb, 2019

Supporting St David's
Last Sunday we sponsored St David's Hospice Care's, Pontypool 10 k and family fun run.

Some of our staff and their families took part and we couldn't be prouder of them. We have set ourselves a £5,000 fundraising target for the year. If you would like to help us reach our goal you can donate here.

Our Director of Innovation and Culture, Sharon Crockett presented prizes to the fastest people on the day. Fun in the sun was had by everyone, we're looking forward to the next event we've sponsored Colour Dash, in Newport.


For the full story and to view more pictures visit the South Wales Argus website.

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