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Thank you 100 Voices

Our resident group, 100 Voices has donated £3,000 to enable us to support residents who are struggling to feed themselves and their families. Since 1st April this year we have given out £1,650 of financial support for food poverty. This time last year that figure stood at just £80 – highlighting how important this service is to our residents.

Written by Fiona

29 Apr, 2020

Thank you 100 Voices

Our resident group, 100 Voices has donated £3,000 to enable us to support residents who are struggling to feed themselves and their families. Since 1st April this year we have given out £1,650 of financial support for food poverty. This time last year that figure stood at just £80 – highlighting how important this service is to our residents.

The support from 100 Voices is amazing at a time when we can only see the need of our residents increasing and our help and support will be needed now more than ever.

Chair of 100 Voices Natalie told us “It is certainly a small gesture in the grand scheme of things. Keep up all the good work your team (Income & Inclusion) are doing, it’s brilliant!"

Some of the stories from our residents, are heart breaking. The poverty and struggle they are facing is unbelievable in some cases they are having to wait six weeks for their benefit claim to be live, and payment to be made. Foodbanks are not operating as they usually would and some have even shut down, without the 100 Voices donation some of our residents would be going without food.

Here are some of the stories our residents have shared.

“I was cutting bed sheets up to use as sanitary wear.”

“We had no heating and had to sit at home in our coats.”

“My child had to wait until the next day to eat at breakfast club in school.”

“I couldn’t eat for two days as it was half term and we had no food.”

“As a student the pressure from student loans made me consider suicide.”

Thank you 100 Voices, your donation will make a difference to so many.

We are here to help you too if you’re struggling please get in touch with our team today; message us on here, email us, telephone us 01495 745910 or use the chat facility on our website.

Please do not suffer in silence, our advisors have a wealth of experience to help you.

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