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“Thank You” to our communities

Last night our Communities Team hosted a ‘Thank You’ event at Rodney Parade in Newport to show their gratitude to all our community partners, and look to the future of our community involvement.

Written by Valentino

18 Nov, 2015

Communities team thank you event
Last night our Communities Team hosted a ‘Thank You’ event to show their gratitude to all our community partners. Almost 100 guests attended the celebratory event at Rodney Parade to see how the help they give enables us to make a huge difference to people’s lives. Representatives from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, tweeted on the night: “Inspiring evening with @melinhomes Plans to do many more engagement events with their amazing Communities Team.”

Guests watched a film which demonstrated the team’s headline figures and featured a number of residents who have benefitted from the team’s touch of Melin magic. Norman from Newport County talked about how we have helped them boost female participation at the club. He said: “We now have 12 high school teams playing in our girls’ cup – around 100 young girls with the possibility of winning the opportunity to play in Wembley. That personal touch from Alan has been absolutely vital – often in partnerships it’s all emails and very often you don’t see anybody in person but with Alan, we’ll go for a cup of tea and that has been great for us so well done to you pal for the way you work.”

The team also used the event as a platform to launch a new communities fund, that will be dubbed Jump2 and will amalgamate the Jump Fund, Communities Fund and the Education Bursary. Keep an eye out for more information on that in the next few weeks. Well done team for a great feel-good event, and thank you to all those who attended to make it such a success.

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