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The Benefit Cap - an update

The Benefit Cap is being reduced on November 7th.

Written by Marcus

03 Nov, 2016

The overall benefit cap will hit ten times more families in Wales when it starts to be reduced from November 7, according to new research by the Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH). This means nearly 6,000 families are likely to be affected. The new £20,000 cap will hit 5,844 families compared to just 586 under the existing £26,000 limit on the benefits that any household can receive unless they qualify for one of the exemptions. CIH has conducted new UK-wide research which shows the cap will hit 116,000 families across the social rented and private rented sectors, the vast majority of which are two and three-children families, by up to £115 a week. More than 300,000 children live in these households in the UK.

You can check the Government calculator to see if you are going to be affected.

The cap amount and the benefits that are affected by the cap will change on 7 November 2016. Its important residents affected get in touch with our Money Advice Team, who are on hand to help you with all things money and finances. You can contact the team by messaging us here, emailing or calling 01495 745910.

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