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Together We Can

Together We Can is our new online community art project. In these difficult times, we wanted to create a piece of art that captures what makes people happy.

Written by Fiona

03 Apr, 2020

Together We Can

Together We Can is our new online community art project.

In these difficult times, we wanted to create a piece of art that captures what makes people happy.

Who can take part?
Anyone can take part.

What do I have to do?
Take a photograph (with your phone or tablet), draw/paint an image of something that makes you happy and send it to us by email at or post it to our Facebook page.

What will you do with the art?
When we have received lots of lovely pictures we will be working with Marion, a talented artist in Newport to put all the pictures together to create one piece of community art.

Will I be able to see the finished art work?
Yes, once it is finished we will publish the art on our social media channels and website. We might even get some prints for people to have, for a small donation to charity.

Any other questions please contact Fiona 01495 745910 or email

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