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Universal Credit: The Latest

Universal Credit latest

Written by Marcus

08 May, 2017

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At present UC only applies to a very small amount of claimants in Wales, this changes soon.

Universal Credit will replace the following benefits:

  • Housing Benefit
  • Income Support
  • Jobseekers Allowance (income based)
  • Child Tax Credits
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income related)

The dates for these changes are:

  • Jul 2017 Torfaen
  • Nov 2017 Newport
  • Mar 2018 Monmouthshire
  • Apr 2018 Blaenau Gwent
  • Jun 2018 Powys

Universal Credit claims can be made online – If you need any help with the claim process or understanding Universal Credit our Money Advice Team can help. Universal Credit is paid calendar monthly, therefore if you have made a claim you will not receive any money for 5-6 weeks so please get in touch to see what help is on offer.

Please note that if you are invited to make a claim for Universal Credit with DWP (Department for Work & Pensions) you will be required to make a separate claim to receive help with your Council Tax direct to your local authority.

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