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Volunteers in vision training with the RNIB

Volunteers from our Resident’s Panel Disability Group gathered at one of our sheltered schemes in Cwmbran recently to learn how it feels to lose your sight.

Written by Valentino

19 Jan, 2016

Residents' Panel Disability Group
Volunteers from our Resident’s Panel Disability Group gathered at one of our sheltered schemes in Cwmbran recently to learn how it feels to lose your sight. Representatives from the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) provided practical training tools, and expert advice, and our volunteers found the experience very interesting and useful . One volunteer said "A trainer from the Institute explained everything really well , ensuring that all information was easy to understand. It really helped us to begin to understand how difficult life can be with impaired vision." The training was useful for our Disability Group to learn more about how we can provide the best possible services for our disabled residents.

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