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We raised the roof 1,000 times!

Tranch AFC, a community football club in Pontypool successfully applied for our community fund and were awarded £500 from the Jump 2 fund and £500 from the special Melin 10 fund, a grant only available this year to celebrate us turning Ten years old!

Written by Fiona

21 Sept, 2017

We raised the roof 1,000 times!
Tranch AFC, a community football club in Pontypool successfully applied for our community fund and were awarded £500 from the Jump 2 fund and £500 from the special Melin 10 fund, a grant only available this year to celebrate us turning Ten years old!

Tranch AFC inherited a run-down building and pitch from Torfaen Council three years ago. Since then Tranch AFC has been fundraising tirelessly to build an extension, and utilise the great space for the wider community. Pulling together a team of volunteers the group had the foundations of an extension built.

However, funds were running out and despite appeals for help the group were running out of options.
Our sustainability team stepped in and helped Tranch AFC apply for the community grant fund, they coordinated the community benefit project and enlisted the help of Robert Price, Cwmbran who jumped at the chance to supply some materials for the roof. The funds have allowed the volunteering team to make the new club house water tight before winter sets in.

Trish Hoddinott, from the Sustainability Team said “We were so glad we could help. The funding has made a huge difference to the club and the homes in the surrounding area. We have three estates who will be able to use this great facility Avalon Court, St Dominics Retreat and School Close.”

Committee Member, Neil Worwood said; “This project has a special place in my heart, we play matches every week and are already planning a grand opening of the new club house for next spring. Our thanks goes out to Melin Homes, and the staff who have supported us so much.”

Paula Kennedy, Chief Executive at Melin Homes said “To be able to help support such an important project is very important to us. We’re not just a provider of affordable homes, we ensure that we help people and that communities thrive.”

If you want to help support Tranch AFC or want to use their pitch and facilities just give Neil a call on 01633 862800.

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