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Survey of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard

The Welsh Government is undertaking an evaluation of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS), which is an all-Wales standard for all homes that are let to tenants in social housing. As part of the evaluation of the standard, this survey explores the attitudes of social housing tenants and will contribute to how the future WHQS will look post-2022.

Written by Will

14 Jul, 2022

front cover of the WHQS booklet

Survey of the Welsh Housing Quality Standard

The Welsh Government is undertaking a consultation on an update to the Welsh Housing Quality Standard.

All social homes across Wales, owned by housing associations and local councils that are let to tenants are required to meet certain conditions.

The existing Welsh Housing Quality Standard requires updating to reflect changes to how people live, work and feel about their homes, and to include the decarbonisation of the Welsh social housing stock.

You are invited to take part in the voluntary consultation and share your views. It is your opinions and experiences that are important to help shape and inform future Welsh Government policy.

The consultation includes 25 questions. You do not have to answer all of them if you don’t feel strongly or they are too detailed.

The consultation is open until 3rd August 2022.

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